Monday, March 21, 2022

In the Kitchen, With Socks

Cooking up a treat...

The wrapper crinkles, or the jar opens,  and my eyes open suddenly too. 
What yummy treats will my best friend share today? 
A bit of cheese? Some chicken? or whipped cream?  The kitchen is a favorite place of mine, and I love to help cook.
Here is a favorite recipe: 

Peanut Butter on the Floor

Ingredients:  1 jar of peanut butter

Step 1:  Lay on the couch, while your best friend walks into the kitchen to make a sandwich.
Step 2:  Hear the sound of the peanut butter jar open. This is the part you have to move swiftly.
Step 3: Run as fast as you can into the kitchen, and scour the kitchen floor, looking for peanut butter drips that fell when your best friend made their sandwich.  
Step 4. If no drips of peanut butter fell on the floor, look up at your bestie with eyes of despair and sorrow.  
Step 5. Your best friend will submit to your request, and drop a splat of peanut butter for you to enjoy.  
Step 6. When you have enjoyed every drip of peanut butter, you can go back to the couch, to continue doing your best work keeping it warm. Enjoy!


Why I Chill...

Hey Friends!  Today I want to talk about the importance of slowing down.  I love to chase things. Between chasing food as it drops to the fl...