Thursday, June 9, 2022

Why I Chill...

Hey Friends! 

Today I want to talk about the importance of slowing down. 

I love to chase things.

Between chasing food as it drops to the floor, and chasing the chipmunk in the backyard, 

I wear myself out sometimes. 

It is so hard to stop running around. 

Do you ever have a hard time time slowing down? 

One thing I try to do for myself every day is find a quiet time, just for me. 

Sometimes I take a snooze on the couch. 

Other times I lay on the nice cool floor. 

I think we all need to take a minute to slow down and rest each day. 

What do you do to find peace? 

Love, Socks


Friday, June 3, 2022

I like me... and I like you too!

 Hi Friends! It's me, Socks. 

How is it going with you?  I've been super busy lately guarding the couch from other pups and pulling my owner down in the grass, but I am taking a minute to let you know that you are valuable. 

See, I know that, because I had to learn that I am valuable too. 

I used to feel bad when other pups sat on my couch and tried to get pets from my owner. I thought that if another dog got attention, that I was not so important anymore, and I used to bully them to get them to leave, so I could snuggle my owner all by myself. 

But, I learned something. My value does not depend on someone else's value. I am important and lovable no matter what anybody else says or does. Even if Buddy comes over and drinks from my water dish, I am still a valuable pup. Nobody can take my value away, because I was made well, to be the guardian of this couch. 

You were made well too. You are valuable. You are worthy. I like you. 

I like me... and I like you too!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Take care Friends... Self care!- Guest post by Marty


Hi! It's Marty again! 

I was a guest blogger here a few weeks ago and had so much fun that I asked Socks if I could write some words of wisdom about another topic--self care. He said yes!

Like most dogs, bath time isn't my favorite time, but I've learned that it's important to keep clean so that I can stay healthy and smelling fine! If I've been playing outside a lot or if it's warm weather, it's good to clean the dirt from my fur, as well as make sure my skin and coat are healthy and free from pests, like those itchy fleas! The sooner fleas are found, the better...take it from me! 

Another self care task I've learned to deal with is getting my nails trimmed. My nails grow so fast. If they get too long, it makes it hard for me to walk properly! So, I try my best to sit still for nail trims. It goes pretty fast, and then afterwards I get a treat!

Even though I struggle with getting my teeth brushed, I know it is important to do it everyday so that my teeth can stay healthy and cavity-free. 

Self care is important for people as well. Brushing teeth twice a day and regularly taking a bath or shower help keep humans healthy and smelling nice too!

Thanks for reading my blog post! Hopefully I'll see you again sometime!

Marty 🐶

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Spreading Love with Buddy

Hello again, 
It's me, Budson Burner.
I thought it was a good time to spread some positivity and share some love with the world. 

At the end of the day, We're all pups. 4 legged this, 4 legged that, even the ones that take us out on walks and give us belly rubs, you get the picture. 

We all enjoy treats and getting our backs scratched (especially the spot you cant reach with your foot on the back of the ear) 

We have a lot in common at the end of the day.  Whether you are a French bulldog, Boston Terrier, Great Dane, or have descended from wolves, we live together.  We go on long walks on a sunny day  down the same sidewalks together, not separate!

Love each other no matter the breed; we are all the same!

Sincerely, Buddy


Saturday, April 30, 2022

Go Outside and Play (Guest Blog by Marty)


My name is Marty and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go outside! I wag my tail and I spin around in circles really fast, and bark happy barks when it's time to go outside! Why do I LOVE to go outside so much? 
It's because I can use my body and keen senses to experience the world... I feel so alive!!I use my great sense of smell to scope out my environment and to find out if other dogs have been around. I can use my ears to listen for all sorts of interesting sounds! I can walk and run-- It feels so good to use my legs and get some exercise! 

My mom goes outside with me, and she has fun too.
Mom loves smelling the flowers and feeling the earth beneath her feet. It makes her feel happy. 

How about YOU? What do you like about going outside? 
What do you like to do? Let me know in the comments! I can't wait to hear about it!


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Mimi the Cat- Being Silly...and Safe (Guest Post)


Hey, I’m Mimi!

Guess what I like to do!


I pounce on my laser toy. 




When you  aren’t looking, I really love sniffing people’s  shoes.

Mmmmm. So smelly….

Don’t think I’m all crazy though:

My family thinks I am a protector, because I keep myself safe and my friends too! 

Here’s how you can keep yourself safe online:

  1. Don’t give your information or passwords to anyone.

  2. Use different passwords for different accounts.

  3. Keep your information private, and don’t tell people online where you live.

  4. Choose a username that is not your real name.

  5. Log out when you are done online, especially if you are on a shared computer.

  6. Don’t answer online quizzes or questions. 

Be like me. Stay safe.
You don't have to sniff shoes though.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Staying Calm...When Life is NOT- Guest Post by Elvis the Cat


People say I'm a cool cat, but I wasn't always so calm, cool, and collected.

Meow!! My name is Elvis....named after the king of rock 'n roll.

I'm 16 years old, which is about 80 in people years, so I have learned a thing or two.

I used to be a scaredy cat! That cool cat you see now, wasn't always that way!

I ran and hid when strangers came close, or if people made loud noises or fast movements. 

But I've learned a thing or two, and I know how to deal with life's drama and enjoy myself!

Here are some tips to help you be cool in (and out) of your comfort zone!

Meeting New People

New people are pretty fun. I get a little scared when I meet them, but I learned how to make new friends. You can too!

1. Watch. Look to see if the new person is nice, fun, and safe.

2. If you like them, say, "Hi," and see if they want to be friends Share good vibes with friends who treat you nicely. It's good to meet new people!


Well, there's still plenty to be found around here, but I've learned to cope with it. Sometimes I stay and watch, or I walk to a quiet and calm place to get away. I don't stress, or run away like I did before.

I've realized that I have some control over things in my life by going somewhere I feel safe, and I can go calmly to find my inner peace when I need it.

It's good to know we can learn new things.

We can change how we react to situations to make life more calm and enjoyable.

Take it from me, Elvis the cat! 

Why I Chill...

Hey Friends!  Today I want to talk about the importance of slowing down.  I love to chase things. Between chasing food as it drops to the fl...