Sunday, April 10, 2022

Be a Buddy (Not a Bully) - Guest Post by Budson Burner


Hi! My name is Budson Burner,

I'm going to talk about how to be a buddy, not a bully. 

First, it all comes with your perception of the world.

As you can see, I am a small guy. 

Though I am small, I have a big heart. 

I've been bullied by the other pups before, and it is not a fun place to be in life. 

So, I am always there to offer a friend a helping paw. 

If you are one of the pups being bullied, here are some things you can do:

Turn away and wag your tail. 

By doing this, it will show that you're not bothered by them, and you are unbreakable.

Second, Don't be afraid to use your best bark and stand up for yourself, or if you need help, tell an adult. 

Now, I bet you are wondering how a good boy like me gets so many treats. 

Well, let me tell you, it's all in the eyes. 

Good puppy dog eyes show that you are a good pup and are deserving of a treat. 

Another thing that helps, is following your owner around nonstop, especially in the kitchen.

 And don't forget to use those eyes to show you are interested in whatever they are holding, 

unless it doesn't smell good.

By following these tips and lending a friend a helping paw,

You too, can be a buddy, not a bully. 


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